Why should law firms offer mindfulness training?
Numerous studies have shown that regular practice of mindfulness can:
Reduce stress and anxiety
Improve ability to concentrate and focus
Increase creativity
Enhance communication and interpersonal skills
Increase resilience
Improve memory
Many of the largest international law firms recognise the importance of giving their employees the necessary skills and training to deal with the unique challenges of a career in law.
Since 2016, we have facilitated courses and workshops in many of the top Irish and international law firms. We’ve worked with groups and individuals at all levels from interns to managing partners. See a selection of recent testimonials here.
How does mindfulness training help lawyers?
The mind has a very strong tendency to run on “automatic pilot”. For many of us, unfortunately “automatic pilot” means a LOT of time spent ruminating and worrying. This can be exhausting and is one of the main causes of chronic stress.
When people first start to practice mindfulness regularly, they are often shocked to discover that they actually spend the majority of their lives on automatic pilot, unfocused and unaware of what is actually happening. In a work context this can often manifest as a tendency to multitask. Bouncing between various tasks, with limited productivity value and at the end of the day feeling like we have accomplished very little.
When we start using mindfulness to deliberately pay attention to what is actually happening in our lives, instead of spontaneously “reacting” out of habit, we can “respond” creatively to situations. Instead of falling into old habits of worry, anxiety, avoidance and frustration, we can respond skillfully from a place of equanimity and clarity.
What exactly is mindfulness?
In very simple terms, mindfulness is paying attention (on purpose) to what is happening in the present moment in a non-judgmental way. We take the view that mindfulness is best understood as an experience. All of our workshops are highly interactive. Instead of talking about mindfulness all day, we teach simple practices which allow people to experience the benefits of mindfulness first hand.
We teach simple practices that have been scientifically shown to work.