Client Testimonials

Mark Walsh – Managing Partner, Eugene F. Collins Solicitors

“I got an awful lot out of the Mindfulness course with Barry. It was very helpful in teaching us how to approach a working day so that it would be less stressful and I felt Barry’s experience having worked in legal practice meant that the advice was realistic rather than aspirational. I would highly recommend this course for solicitors or anyone working in the area of Law”.

Katelin Twomey - Solicitor (Commercial Property), Maples & Calder

“I found the 6 week mindfulness course with Barry very beneficial. Barry has a calming presence and I thought his legal background definitely helped in making the course relevant and accessible, that being said I would also recommend the course to non-lawyers who are interested in learning how to practice mindfulness. I left each class feeling more grounded, relaxed and present and carried that with me for the rest of the day.”

Alice Murphy - Partner, Mason Hayes & Curran

“I completed the introductory Mindfulness for Law 6 week course during 2018 as a group with 6 of my colleagues. I found Barry’s style and content excellent. The skills he taught us are highly relevant to the legal profession and have been demonstrated to increase focus, performance and efficiency. Barry is clearly passionate about mindfulness training I felt a tangible benefit from the course. Barry has inspired me to continue mindfulness practice!”

Aoife Robinson - SVP Legal and Corporate, SMBC Aviation Capital

“I was relatively new to mindfulness when I started Barry’s 6 week course and by the end, I was happily incorporating mindfulness into my daily life.  It really helps to relieve stress/tension and promote a calmer approach – not just to work, but to your personal life also.  Barry is an excellent teacher – he has direct experience of highly pressurised corporate environments so he understands the stresses etc. Barry’s sessions are very open and restorative – our group always came away feeling refreshed and ready to take on the day. 

In the 6 week period, Barry gave us a thorough understanding of what mindfulness is, helped us to understand how it can positively affect our lives and taught us how to practice mindfulness and incorporate it into our daily routines.  I would highly recommend Barry’s mindfulness courses not just for corporate organisations but for anyone who would like to manage stress well, increase resilience and have a calmer approach to life.”

Sinead Smyth – Corporate Responsibility Manager, A&L Goodbody

“A&L Goodbody has worked with Barry Lee for the last two years. He has delivered a number of mindfulness sessions for us. At all times, Barry has been punctual, professional and respectful. It goes without saying also that he was an excellent mindfulness teacher. He is very relatable, explains the practice very clearly and is also very comfortable answering all questions. I would definitely recommend him for to another organisation who are thinking about rolling out mindfulness to their employees. His sessions give the right balance of explaining what mindfulness is, understanding how it can help reduce stress and giving people the opportunity to practice mindfulness. It was very effective in a work setting and Barry's delivery helped participants feel comfortable and safe”.

Jill Callanan - Partner, LK Shields

“I attended Barry’s course on a weekly basis over a six week period. I was completely new to mindfulness and really didn’t know what to expect or indeed if mindfulness would benefit me. Barry is an excellent teacher and from day one always made everyone very relaxed in the room. Through the six weeks I learnt many things including practical tips on how to incorporate mindfulness into everyday life and in particular into the workplace.  For me one of the big benefits of the course  was how Barry made mindfulness so relevant to my job as a solicitor. For the first time in my career I have become more conscious of how I react to stressful situations. Since the course I have also found that I have become much more self-aware and am conscious about paying more attention to what is happening around me rather than “living in my head” a phrase which Barry often used and which was very relevant to the way I acted on a daily basis.  I would strongly recommend this course to anyone who finds it difficult to cope with stressful situations or simply someone who wants to live more in the moment.”

Laura Feely – Solicitor (Dispute Resolution / Employment), Eugene F. Collins Solicitors

“It was clear from the get go that Barry approached this subject not only from an intellectual viewpoint but also from a place of passion and insight. You could tell he had been practicing for many years as there was a sense of zen as soon you stepped into his class! He worked as a solicitor for a number of years and I felt that he was coming from a place of experience and knowledge as to how fast paced and pressurised the life of a lawyer can be. The classes were a mix of practice, discussion and teachings which really helped in transporting the abstract concept of “mindfulness” into something that can have a huge calming and positive effect on body and mind. I would highly recommend Barry as a mindfulness coach for lawyers and non-lawyers alike.”

Mary Kileen – Director of Operations and HR, Mason Hayes & Curran

“Barry delivered a six week Mindfulness for Law course for Mason Hayes & Curran on three occasions in 2018. Barry initially worked with a group of our newly qualified solicitors at the start of the year. Based on the feedback we decided to rerun the course at Easter for our Senior Associates. In September, we ran it for a group of partners. Below are some of the comments provided by participants:

 “I thought Barry was excellent. He created a really good rapport among the group and was really engaging. I would regard the course as really worthwhile and of benefit to our solicitors.”

“I learned a lot. I think Barry is a super instructor and I fully intend to put it into practice.”

“I thought it was great, in regards to Barry himself and the course I thought it was excellent throughout.”

Frank McCracken - HR Director, Walkers

“In today's fast paced world, you need to take time to focus on your own personal wellbeing. Barry's 6 week mindfulness programme helps you deal with the everyday stresses of your work and personal life. The programme is excellent, delivered professionally and at a pace that allows you to understand and practice mindfulness in your everyday life. If you give mindfulness a chance, it can make a real difference and improve the quality of your life and general wellbeing.”

Sean McDermott - SVP Compliance (Solicitor), SMBC Aviation Capital

“I was a little sceptical on the benefit of the course for me before starting. However, I found the course beneficial and very enjoyable – both the mindfulness practice itself and learning about how the mind works. The delivery of the course by Barry was excellent. I would highly recommend the course to anyone who feels “stressed out” – mindfulness with Barry Lee is the perfect antidote!”

Billy Glynn - Solicitor, A&L Goodbody

"I thoroughly enjoyed Barry's mindfulness course and gained huge benefits from it. I was completely new to mindfulness and, quite frankly, somewhat sceptical of it in advance. I quickly grew to love it and I think I speak for everyone who undertook the course in saying that it became the highlight of our week and we missed it dearly when it was over! I thought it was extremely practical and tailored to those in the legal profession, helping you to deal with the everyday stresses involved with the job. It was pitched at the right level and allowed us to develop our mindfulness skills whilst regularly bringing us back to the purpose of why we were developing such skills and how to apply them to our everyday jobs. Amongst many of the things that I learned, the most notable skills that I developed were my resilience, focus and enthusiasm. Aside from the benefits it brings to your professional career, it brings much more important benefits your own wellbeing and personal life. I look forward to getting involved in any other courses offered by Barry in the future."

Newly Qualified Solicitor - Mason Hayes & Curran

"It’s difficult to adjust to the new challenges and stress that comes with being a newly qualified solicitor. A few colleagues at the same level, like me, were having similar feelings of self-doubt and believing we were completely out of our depth. We decided to partake in the mindfulness course with Barry every week. It was refreshing that he understood the exact feelings we were experiencing. He is a solicitor who understands the issues and emotions that face us every day in work. He adapted the mindfulness course to suit our specific needs and deal with our particular issues (such as attention and focus, stress, the negativity bias and work/life balance). I found it insightful and really believe that mindfulness can help us focus during our busy lives. Barry is patient, positive and an expert in this field. I would highly recommend the course for everyone (at all stages) in the legal profession. "

Conor Maguire – Senior Manager, AIB Customer Care

“Barry was invited to attend a session with a group of my colleagues in early summer 2017. I was very impressed with Barry’s approach and style and subsequently invited him to Limerick to present his Mindfulness session to my team of 12 staff. The role which my team undertake can incorporate stressful and difficult conservations, so I felt the need to support them on how they could manage themselves when anxiousness develops.

Barry delivered an excellent 2 hour session to my team, who felt incredibly re-vitalised and thoughtful after the event. They really appreciated being given the space to take time out to reflect on how to manage themselves in a more holistic manner. Barry provided the team with the tools and techniques to get the most out of Mindfulness and how to use it in every aspect of life.

Barry delivers his session in a very soft, easy manner with a calming presence and demeanour. He is skilled at recognising each individual’s reason for requiring a Mindfulness session, and he responds in a very open and explorative manner. This was the first session I conducted using Barry, and I will be using him again as my team grows out, and to revisit with those who attended this session.  

I was very impressed with Barry and highly recommend him for group work with teams of staff who would benefit from a Mindfulness experience.”

Ruth Murray - VP Legal & Corporate, SMBC Aviation Capital

I was always quite sceptical about mindfulness but working in a high pressure job, I decided it was worth giving a go. I attended a 6 week course led by Barry and it was a brilliant experience. Not only did I get a good understanding of mindfulness but I also learned a lot about myself. The course covers all aspects of life’s experiences (e.g. management of stress, pleasant and unpleasant experiences, communication) so there is definitely something for everyone. Mindfulness is not a quick fix but for me, it was about better life management. I really recommend attending a course with Barry – you will not regret it!

Orla Cullen – Deputy General Counsel IAC Applications

“I completed an 8 week mindfulness based stress reduction course run by Barry and found it fantastic! From the first class, it was highly apparent that Barry is truly informed and passionate about the practice of mindfulness. The fact that Barry is also a trained lawyer who understands the stresses and challenges of being a corporate lawyer added kudos for me. I found that he could relate to my experience and he answered any questions in a very practical and helpful way.” 

Peter Cronin – Solicitor (Legal and Compliance), Finance Ireland Limited

“Working in a stressful environment I have found the techniques I learned during the MBSR course invaluable to me over the last few months. Barry is an excellent communicator, and the course itself was brilliantly structured and accessible to anyone, irrespective of any previous experience of mindfulness.”

Dr Clodagh Keegan - General Practitioner

“I was not quite sure what to expect when embarking on this eight week programme. Working in healthcare as a GP I am so highly aware of the physical, emotional and psychological effects of stress – and this is applicable not only to my patients, but of course to me also. From the first hour in this informal, welcoming space and open, responsive group I knew that this course was going to be practical, easily applicable, and would likely leave me with some incredibly useful life skills. I was not wrong. Having purchased many a mindfulness book coupled with great intentions in the past I had never actually gotten around to the practical application of the theory. This is where Barry’s skill as a super teacher and guide on this path came to the fore. His gentle, open, welcoming personality fostered honest, progressive group discussion and debate. I found the home exercises enjoyable throughout and was amazed at how my own intuition regarding my personal stress response mechanisms and ability to identify and halt these emotions developed throughout the eight weeks. I am happy to wholeheartedly and without hesitation recommend this programme and will certainly encourage my own patients trying to deal with stress to apply for a place on this extremely worthwhile course. Don’t debate it; if you have been considering a mindfulness based stress reduction course, book on to Barry’s. You won’t regret it.”

Simon Dornan - Software Developer, SAP

“Learning to become mindful takes time and practice, and there is no better way to learn than to find an experienced practitioner who can help explain and guide you along the way. Barry's eight week course on mindfulness was an excellent introduction into the various practices that make up mindfulness. Each class explored different tools and practices that really do help you become more mindful. Having completed the course I find that I am now far more calm and focused and better able to manage stressful situations. I would not hesitate to recommend Barry's Mindfulness course to anyone whether you are just curious or are looking for a better way to manage the stresses in your life. The course content was very clearly explained and the study notes and audio practices made it easy to keep up the home practice each week. I believe that everyone could benefit from a course like this.”